Intro, the blog and the commons!
I’m Nil, but internet knows me as Betamax or just Beta (I like Beta!). Chances are you've met me through fedi or twitch! I had already made an introduction aimed at each of those media, but I think this is a good opportunity to revisit some points, review them and expand on them.
I’m in my 30's, white, non-binary (demilady, aka “demigirl”), bisexual, neuroatypical (adhd). I’m also a singlet ally to the plural systems+ fight for rights. I was born and raised in a city in the brazilian amazon region. My pronouns are They/She/He (Ile/Ilo/Ela/Ele). I believe in social, ethno, cognitive and environmental justice through the collaborative work. And I can communicate in english, portuguese and spanish – kinda!
In my country, I have been doing research in the field of Law, Environmental Sciences and interdisciplinary area since 2012. I have withdrawn from academic matters due to Covid – also for the sake of self-care, in a wide sense. However, I still work on demand with stuff related to academia (copydesk/editing, proofreading, etc.) and the whole body of my research is openly available in portuguese (ask and I'll send a link). I feel very proud and satisfied for the things I managed to build, meaning that everything has become, now, a historical record that will persist beyond my limited existence. I also write poetry openly available in portuguese (ask and I'll send a link).
Some of my interests are videogames, retro games, music, culture, meme culture (mhm lol), communication and movies. I've been really into specific subjects like romhacking and speedrunning since Covid has started. I was never into social media, but things has changed for me, mainly because of the new reality the virus has presented for us all. In 2020 I joined twitch because of my interest in paper mario glitch-hunting and speedrunning. For some reason that I still cannot explain, I've found the super mario world kaizo community (a romhacking scene) in this opportunity, and I was embraced by them. Twitch was also important for me to improve foreign languages skills.
Currently, I'm developing a physical game about kaizo in my free time and studying to make my own videogames and romhacks. I'm primarily interested in drag-and-drop+ tools like gb studio, rpg paper maker, coil snake and lunar magic, since those tools are not requiring any previous programming/coding knowledge. But, of course, I don’t aim to stop on it. I feel like the fedi is the right place for me to get to understand some stuff to start building the worlds I want to build.
During most part of my life technology was not accessible, so I don't know a lot about it in general or FOSS stuff. I had more or less access to “this” or “that” stuff, which made me a hybrid user. Even tho, everything I am I owe to piracy (from the sci-hub til TPB), to the internet and the technology that made it possible. I never had the opportunity of attending to a private language school in my country, and I would not achieve anything on the public university if I hadn’t pirated books and articles.
I particularly do not believe in those purist FOSS advocates. There's the hardware dimension and the whole thing is much more complex. If you cannot afford something considering production costs, the exchange rates, taxes, shipping fees and the cost of living in your own place (currency issues in general), you are going to take the other non-ideal tool you need to live in a connected world. It's really hard to expect an “ethical consumption” in these conditions. This is why talking about free and open (source) software without talking about free and open hardware design and distribution, production chains (supply chains), conflict minerals (conflict resources) and capitalism does not work for us in southern cultures/peripheral regions of the world.
Anyway, I want to be able to learn things and make some tech transitions possible to change my current reality. This blog exists as a friendly – and frankly – noob space that allows me to organize all my experiences around so many interests. Here I will try to talk about personal and ordinary things, but also about things bigger than me, how they are and how I would like them to be. Always trying to place myself as an active subject of these transformations and from whom they occur. I like this idea of being able to build things and build yourself in the process.
All content on this blog is hereby available under CC-BY-NC-SA attribution, except where third party rights are involved – I have to say this, right?
Last updated: 2024-11-02, 16:23 pm.